Viewing Backup Exec alerts

You can access and view alerts that are posted to Backup Exec.

The CPS-related alerts are organized by fatal events and CPS job or pair problems.

An alert is not warranted or posted if the CPS jobs are successfully backed up and all the specified CPS jobs are in a good (consistent) state. CPS alerts themselves are not posted to the Backup Exec alert system.

To view Backup Exec alerts

  1. On the Backup Exec navigation bar, click Alerts.

  2. Select the alert from either the Active Alerts pane or the Alert History pane.

  3. Under General Tasks in the task pane, click Properties.

    Type and category name

    All CPS-related alerts posted to Backup Exec are Warnings (yellow icon) and indicate a problem.


    A message or statement describing the condition that prompted the alert.

    Server name

    The name of the Backup Exec server being backed up, which is also CPS’s Protection Server.

    Job name

    The name of the Backup Exec job.

Viewing Backup Exec alerts