Installation and upgrade issues

Table: CPS installation issues describes CPS installation issues.

Table: CPS installation issues



Workgroups and domains

Symantec does not recommend or support mixing the servers hosting the Continuous Management Service and Continuous Protection Agent between workgroups and domains.

Anti-spyware software

Before you install CPS, you should disable any anti-spyware software. If you are prompted for permission to install CPS, click Yes. This is particularly relevant for computers where the Continuous Protection Agent was push installed, and their users tend to select the Block option since they may not know what is being installed and may think it is spyware from the Internet.

Push installing over domain trust

If a cross-domain trust exists between the computers that you are installing from and to, the account that is running from the installing computer must be present in the local “administrators” group of the computer being push installed to.

NIC failure after installing CPS

If a NIC card fails after installing CPS, the registry key for the new NIC card must be updated for CPS to work properly.

Pathnames with Asian characters

CPS fails to start if CPS has been installed in a directory whose pathname includes characters from Asian languages, including Japanese, Chinese, and Korean. To avoid this problem, either install CPS in the default installation directory or choose a directory whose pathname, netgroup name and master server name only includes English characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9).

Network load balancing service fails to start

After installing Continuous Protection Server on a computer running Windows Server 2003, you might receive an error message that the Network Load Balancing Service failed to start. Microsoft reports the cause as: “Although network Load Balancing (NLB) is not currently installed, some NLB registry keys might be present in the registry.” Although Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 268437 describes the problem as applying to Windows 2000 Advanced Server, the fix also works for Windows Server 2003.

For more information about network load balancing on Windows Server 2003, go to the following URL:

Table: CPS uninstall issue describes a CPS uninstall issue.

Table: CPS uninstall issue



Uninstall and reinstall loses job history and pair logs

If CPS is uninstalled and reinstalled, information in the job logs and pair logs is not saved.

For more information about this issue, go to the following URL:

Installation and upgrade issues