Issues with integrated logon and database backups
Attempts to restore a CMS or CPA database from a backup image that was created before integrated logon was enabled will cause the service in question to fail to start. This is because the just restored image was never configured for integrated logons and the current ODBC Data Source is currently configured for integrated logons. To overcome this issue, you will need to reconfigure the ODBC Data Source for standard logon.
To recover after restoring a pre-integrated logon database
Run the ODBC Data Source Administrator (odbcad32).
Click the System DSN tab.
Select the CPA DSN, and then click Configure.
Click the Login tab.
Select Supply user ID and password, and then click OK.
Repeat steps 1-5, but this time for the CMS DSN, if there is one.
Exit the ODBC Data Source Administrator.
The CMS and/or CPS services can now run.
You must now reconfigure the services for integrated logon.
Run the SetIntegratedLogin utility to re-enable integrated logons. For example, SetIntegratedLogin Watchword.
The services will now run in integrated logon mode.
Issues with integrated logon and database backups