About job states

A job has errors if any error occurs on any job pair; that is, Business Server or Protection Server. To determine the status of an active CPS job, you must view the job status and any associated errors or alerts.

Table: Continuous Protection Server job states lists the various job states.

Table: Continuous Protection Server job states

Job state



The job is attempting to start every job pair for the first time.

Errors and alerts indicate if one or more pairs were unable to start or stopped before completing.


The starting phase has completed. That is, all job pairs have attempted to start.

Errors or alerts indicate if any pairs are attempting to restart.

For a continuous job, the job remains in this state until the user or schedule cancels the job.

For a scheduled, non-continuous job, the job remains in this state until the job is completed, or the user or schedule cancels the job.


The job is attempting to stop. The user or schedule has commanded that each pair complete synchronization and then stop running.

Errors and alerts indicate failures of one or more pairs to respond to the stop request or to have reached full synchronization.


The job has stopped and all pairs have completed synchronization.

A stopped job state does not affect the schedule of a job. That is, the job will run at the next scheduled time.


The job is attempting to stop abruptly. That is, the user or schedule has commanded that each pair stop running whether or not they have achieved synchronization.

Errors and alerts indicate failures of one or more pairs to respond to the cancel request.


The job has canceled and all pairs have stopped running.

A canceled job state does not affect the schedule of a job. That is, the job will run at the next scheduled time.


If the job is a scheduled, non-continuous job, all pairs have completed.

If the job is continuous, the job never completes. A continuous job must be stopped or canceled.

About job states