Managing CPS job alerts

Alerts are messages about a job, source server, or destination server in the Backup Group, and indicate that a problem exists that requires a response from the user. You can respond to one alert at a time, multiple alerts, or to all alerts at once.

Alerts can be informational or can indicate a warning or an error such as the following:

  • Errors: Red icons

  • Warnings: Yellow icons

  • Informational: Blue icons

Alert history lists the alerts to which an administrator responded. Alerts remain in history for 30 days by default unless you delete them. You can delete one or more alerts in history.

When you view active alerts or alert history, you can change the order in which the information displays. The list can be sorted in ascending or descending order by any column.

You can also change the order in which the columns display to view the information in order by the following:

  • Category

  • Job name

  • Message

  • Server name

  • Time alert received

  • Type

Managing CPS job alerts