How Continuous Protection Server works
Figure: Overview of the Continuous Protection Server model shows an example of how Continuous Protection Server works with Backup Exec to protect your business data.
Figure: Overview of the Continuous Protection Server model
The following scenario provides an example of how you can use Continuous Protection Server with Backup Exec to back up and restore data:
Users save files and folders to local file servers (Business Servers) as part of their normal daily work. Business Servers are interconnected and together form a common Backup Group.
The Continuous Protection Server Backup Destination Wizard designates a specific directory on a specific Protection Server where the data is backed up. The backup-destination definition includes the schedule for the data snapshots and the policies for snapshot retention.
Different servers can be designated as backup destinations based on your needs. For example, separate destinations can be created for financial data on a server in the accounting department, employee data on a server in human resources, and customer records on a server in the sales department.
You can use the Backup Job Wizard to create Continuous Protection Server backup jobs to back up data from one or more Business Servers to a Protection Server. When you create a job, you select the data to be backed up and the schedule for the backup job. You can schedule CPS backup jobs to run at specific times (periodically), as files incur any changes (continuously), or as needed (on demand).
As soon as the data is backed up to the Protection Server, scheduled snapshots of the data are made. The data is then indexed and made available in Backup Exec Retrieve.
Users retrieve specific files and folders to their workstations by using Backup Exec Retrieve. Users can select specific versions of their data to be restored.
If a system failure occurs at one or more Business Servers, the backed up data can be quickly restored from the Protection Server to the Business Server.
After the data is backed up to the Protection Server, you can back up the data to Backup Exec to archive the data to tape or disk for long-term storage.
If a system failure or data loss occurs at a Protection Server, Backup Exec can quickly restore the data back to the Protection Server or back to a Business Server.
The Backup Exec SmartLink component lets you view the status of Continuous Protection Server backup jobs in the Backup Exec Job Logs and Alerts. This option lets administrators determine the quality and completion of the Continuous Protection Server jobs before or during the Backup Exec backup job.
How Continuous Protection Server works