About backup job schedules

Perhaps the most important part in developing a strong backup strategy is deciding what to back up and when.

The frequency with which you back up files can affect many things including the following:

  • The quality of the backup

  • The resources that are required to process and store the information

  • The process of locating information that you need to restore

There are multiple levels of backup schedules that work well together and each organization might use a combination of these practices. Most importantly, all information on your servers should be backed up on a regular basis. Less-essential information should be backed up periodically. Pertinent data, such as data that is used for compliance purposes or that is related to your core products or services, should be backed up continually.

Table: Types of scheduled backups describes the types of scheduled backup jobs that you can create.

Table: Types of scheduled backups

Scheduled backup type


On demand

Files that are manually backed up by a user on an “as needed” basis.


Files that are backed up on a routine basis. You select the days the backups are run and the time the backups begin. For example, you can back up your personnel data each day, Monday through Friday, at 5:00 P.M. Another example would be to back up all of the Business Servers every Saturday, beginning at 1:00 A.M.


Files that are backed up on certain days of the week and run periodically on timed intervals. For example, you can back up your sales proposals every hour, your development data every three hours, your quality assurance data every four hours, and so on.


Critical business files, such as customer data, that are backed up continuously. Every time a file changes, the changes are copied to the Protection Server. There is no wait time or preset interval when the information is copied. The backup takes place immediately, even while files are open.

More Information

Creating CPS backup jobs

Changing a backup job schedule

About backup job schedules