Upgrading to Continuous Protection Server 2010

The Continuous Protection Server (CPS) installer upgrades CPS 12 and CPS 12.5 to CPS 2010.

You can upgrade only portions of the CPS products or run CPS 2010 concurrently with CPS 12.5 or CPS 12.

You can perform a rolling upgrade. A rolling upgrade allows you to upgrade servers in a backup group one at a time. You can protect all servers in a backup group during the upgrade process, even though different servers may use different versions of Backup Exec.

After CPS 2010 is installed on the Protection Server server, you can use the Administration Console on that Protection Server to install or update Continuous Protection Agents and Consoles on remote business servers.


When upgrading a CPS database, all job schedules are disabled to allow Continuous Protection Agents to be upgraded before the Continuous Management Service attempts to start the scheduled jobs. As soon as the Continuous Protection Agents are upgraded, the job schedules must be re-enabled from the Console.

To upgrade to Continuous Protection Server 2010

  1. Before performing the upgrade, close all other programs that may be running.

  2. Insert the Continuous Protection Server installation media into the drive.

    If AutoPlay is not enabled, navigate the installation media and double-click browser.exe.

    If an earlier version of Continuous Protection Server is detected (version 11.x or 10.x), a prompt appears noting that the earlier version must be manually uninstalled before Continuous Protection Server 2010 can be installed.

  3. Click Update to continue.

  4. If you are upgrading a Continuous Protection Agent, when prompted, enter the license keys for CPS and then click Next to continue.

    The installation wizard detects which earlier components are already installed on that server, and then updates them to Continuous Protection Server 2010.

Upgrading to Continuous Protection Server 2010