Push-installing Continuous Protection Server components

After you perform the initial installation, use the CPS Administration Console to install additional components remotely. Components that may be push-installed consist of additional Administration Consoles, Continuous Protection Agents, or both. Any number of Consoles can be installed in the Backup Group, and a Continuous Protection Agent must be installed on each Business Server and Protection Server.

If CMS is installed on a computer that runs Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2, you can push-install the CPA and the Administration Console components to computers that run various operating systems.


You cannot protect a Business Server that runs Windows Server 2008 with a Protection Server that runs Windows Server 2003. This configuration results in loss of data.

Table: Components you can push-install from Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 lists the operating systems to which you can push-install CPS components if CMS is installed on a computer that runs Windows Server 2008.

Table: Components you can push-install from Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2

Operating system

CPS component

Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2

CPA or the Administration Console. You cannot install the Administration Console on a computer that runs the Windows Server Core installation option of Windows Server 2008.

Windows Server 2003

CPA or the Administration Console

Windows 2000 Server

CPA or the Administration Console

Windows Vista

Administration Console

Windows XP

Administration Console

Windows 7

Administration Console

If CMS is installed on a computer that runs Windows Server 2003, you can push-install the CPA and the Administration Console components to computers that run various operating systems.

Table: Components you can push-install from Windows Server 2003 lists the operating systems to which you can push-install CPS components if CMS is installed on a computer that runs Windows Server 2003.

Table: Components you can push-install from Windows Server 2003

Operating system

CPS component

Windows Server 2003

CPA or the Administration Console

Windows 2000 Server

CPA or the Administration Console

Windows Vista

Administration Console

Windows XP

Administration Console

Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2

Administration Console

Windows 7

Administration Console

Firewalls need to be manually reconfigured for installation from media and push-installation. Alternatively, firewalls can be turned off during the installation process.

Administrator rights are required when push installing components to remote computers, as well as backup rights to the computer hosting the Continuous Management Service (CMS).

If a cross domain trust exist between the computers push installing from and to, the account that is running from the installing computer must be present in the local administrators group of the computer being push installed to.

Push-installing Continuous Protection Server components

  1. On the Windows taskbar, click Start > Programs > Symantec > Backup Exec CPS > Backup Exec CPS Console.

  2. On the navigation bar, click Setup.

  3. On the task pane, under Server Tasks, click Push install CPS components using wizard.

  4. Review the introduction on the Welcome to the Push Install CPS Components Wizard screen, and then click Next.

  5. On the Select a Computer screen, type or browse to the name of the computer on which to install the components. Alternatively, type the IP address for the computer.

    If the computer to which the components are installed is located on a different subnet, naming services such as Dynamic Name Service (DNS) or Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) must be established across the routes for proper product operation and communication to occur.

  6. Click Next.

  7. On the Select Components screen, select the components you want to install. By default, all options are pre-selected for installation.

    For optimal performance, some Continuous Protection Server components should be installed in separate volumes from one an
    other. The Journal Folder, Indexing Component, Backup Destination, and System volume should all be in separate volumes.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Enter the Credentials for the Backup Exec CPS Service Account, including user name, password and domain.

  10. Enter the License Key provided, and then click Next.

  11. On the Local System Object Cache Path screen, select or browse to the directory where Continuous Protection Server can store System Information (System State and Shadow Copy Components) data to be backed up.

    The Local System Object Cache is a holding area for the system information and share information.

    At a minimum, System Information will require at least 2 GB of disk space (larger for Windows Server 2008). If the server performs additional roles, such as also acting as a domain controller, more space is required.

  12. Click Next.

  13. On the Select Journal Path screen, select the default journal directory or browse to another directory to hold the backup journals.

    The Journal Folders contain the dynamic changes that occur during continuous backups.

  14. Click Next.

  15. On the Select Indexing Database Path screen, select the default directory or browse to another directory to hold the indexing database.

    The indexing component holds indexes of the snapshots that are captured on the Protection Server.

  16. Click Next.

  17. Type or browse to the installation path on the remote computer where the services will be installed.

    Installation must occur on one of the drives that are shown in the drop-down list although the rest of the path may be modified.

  18. Click Next.

  19. If a Protection Agent is being installed, the server must be restarted for the installation to complete. Select Restart the computer if required for this to occur automatically at the end of the installation. If not, the system must be manually restarted before this server is part of the Backup Group.

  20. On the Push Install Summary screen, verify that the settings are satisfactory, and then click Next.

  21. On the Completing the Push Install CPS Components Wizard screen, click Finish to begin the installation. A screen appears showing the installation progress.

  22. Verify that the Protection Agent was properly installed by noting that the Business Server shows in the server list on the Servers tab. This step may take some time due to the configuration and system restart.

    The server you add to the Continuous Protection Server Backup Group must be restarted. If you use Microsoft’s Shutdown Event Tracker, you must restart the server manually after installation.

More Information

Firewall support

Understanding the Continuous Protection Server service account

Push-installing Continuous Protection Server components