Performing an initial installation

A typical and fully functional Continuous Protection Server Backup Group includes the following components:

  • A server that has the Continuous Management Service, the Continuous Protection Agent, and the Administration Console installed. This server becomes the central management point in the Backup Group.

  • A Continuous Protection Agent on each Business and Protection Server with the Indexing Component installed on each Protection Server.

  • Any number of Administration Consoles.


The Continuous Management Service components can be installed on a Backup Exec server or on a stand-alone server. If Continuous Protection Server is installed on Backup Exec, then that Backup Exec installation must be upgraded to Backup Exec 2010. If Continuous Protection Server is installed on a stand-alone server, then the latest version of the Remote Agent is also installed. A Remote Agent is not installed on Backup Exec.

The first step in creating a fully functional environment is configuring the server that hosts the Continuous Management Service. Establishing the Continuous Management Service is usually accomplished by performing an initial installation from the installation media.

Continuous Protection Server application files that should be installed during the initial installation include the Continuous Management Service and an Administration Console. If the server hosting the Continuous Management Service will also be a Business or Protection Server, a Continuous Protection Agent must also be installed. Backup Exec Retrieve is also installed. The Remote Agent is installed optionally during the initial installation with a Continuous Protection Agent. Symantec LiveUpdate is installed automatically with an Administration Console.

Firewalls need to be manually reconfigured for installation media and push installation. Alternatively, firewalls can be turned off during the installation process.

To use the versioning capabilities of Backup Exec Retrieve, Protection Servers must be running Windows Server 2003.


After installing Continuous Protection Server on a computer running Windows Server 2003, you might receive an error message that the Network Load Balancing Service failed to start. Microsoft reports the cause as: “Although network Load Balancing (NLB) is not currently installed, some NLB registry keys might be present in the registry.” Although Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 268437 describes the problem as applying to Windows 2000 Advanced Server, the fix also works for Windows Server 2003.

For more information, see the Microsoft article entitled “Network Load Balancing, Windows 2000 Advanced Server” at the following URL:

Administrator rights are required on the computer where the software is being installed when performing a installation.

To perform an initial installation

  1. Close all other programs that may be running.

  2. If Autoplay is enabled, the Install should automatically launch when the -ROM is inserted in the drive. If Autoplay is not enabled, double-click browser.exe file from the -ROM or download directory.

  3. Select the language, and then click OK.

  4. The welcome screen for Backup Exec Continuous Protection Server provides links to access various areas of the installation . After reviewing the various product information, click Pre-installation.

  5. Click Start the Backup Exec Continuous Protection Server Environment Check, and then click Next.

  6. Select either Local Environment Check or Remote environment check.

  7. Do one of the following:

    • If the Environment Check does not reveal any issues that may prevent a successful installation of Continuous Protection Server, click Finish.

    • If the Environment Check reveals issues that may prevent a successful installation of Continuous Protection Server, correct the issues before attempting to install again.

  8. Select Start the Backup Exec Continuous Protection Server Installation to install Continuous Protection Server, and then click Next.

    Continuous Protection Server will determine whether the computer is a 32-bit or 64-bit server and install the appropriate version of the software.

  9. Review the Continuous Protection Server Installation Wizard welcome screen, and then click Next.

  10. Read and accept the license agreement on the License Agreement screen, and then click Next.

  11. Select one of the following methods to enter license keys, and then click Next.

    To enter license keys manually

    In the License Key box, type the license key number, and then click Add. Repeat this step for each license key for each option or agent you want to add.

    To import license keys from a file

    Click Import, and then select the cpssernum.xml file.

    To install an evaluation version

    Leave the license key field blank, and then continue with step 14.

    The license keys you entered are saved to the cpssernum.xml file, located in the Windows or WINNT directory.

  12. On the Local Features screen, select the Continuous Protection Server components that you want to install, and then click Next.

    Administration Console

    Check to install an Administration Console that allows for the management and monitoring of activities within the Backup Group. This option will also install Symantec LiveUpdate 3.0.

    Settings Utility

    Check to install the Continuous Protection Server Settings Utility, which allows changes to be made to various registry settings on this computer. If it is not already installed, this option will also install .Net Framework 2.0.

    Push install Support

    Check this option to install the files needed to push install other components.

    x86 Support to install components needed to push-install to 32-bit computers.

    x64 Support to install components needed to push-install to 64-bit computers.

    Continuous Management Service

    Check to install a Continuous Management Service, which must be installed to create and manage the Backup Group.

    Only one Continuous Management Service may be installed in each Backup Group, and it must be installed before other Continuous Protection Server components.

    The CMS must have a fixed IP address. If the IP address changes while the CMS is running, the CMS and the Network Helper (ENL) service must be restarted (for example, net stop RxRMS, net stop Network Helper, net start RxRMS).

    Additionally, if protection agents exist on subnets different from the CMS, the CMS should be registered with the Domain Name Service (DNS).

    Continuous Protection Agent

    Check this option to install a Continuous Protection Agent on the computer.

    A Continuous Protection Agent must be installed on all computers that will act as Business Servers or Protection Servers.

    Indexing Component

    Check this option to allow files stored on this server to be indexed and searchable.

    Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems

    Check this option to perform an install of the Remote Agent on the local computer.

    Exchange Protection Agent

    Check this option to allow for continuous protection of Microsoft Exchange Servers.

    An Exchange Protection Agent with the Continuous Management Service and a Continuous Protection Agent must be installed on the Backup Exec media server.

    An Exchange Protection Agent must be installed with the Remote Agent and a Continuous Protection Agent on the Microsoft Exchange system.

    If you cannot select this option, check your DNS for proper settings.

  13. On the Backup Group screen, enter a name of the Backup Group and the name of the Continuous Management Service, and then click Next.

    When you click Next, you may be prompted with a Windows Security Alert screen with options of Keep Blocking, Unblock, or Ask Me Later. This security screen is displayed due to the installer looking for an existing Continuous Management Service that already has the specified Backup Group name registered. Select Unblock to continue.

  14. On the Services screen, enter the credentials for the Backup Exec Continuous Protection Server Service Account, including user name, password and domain.

  15. Click Next.

  16. If a Continuous Management Service was selected for this installation and the Continuous Management Service server has multiple NIC cards, the Network Interface Selection screen is shown. Select the Network interface to use for the Backup Group management and verify the displayed settings.

  17. Click Next.

  18. On the Support Folder screen, accept the default directories or change the directories, and then click Next.

    System Cache Directory

    Select or browse to the directory where Continuous Protection Server can store System Information (System State and Shadow Copy Components) data to be backed up. The System Cache is a holding area for the system information and share information.

    At a minimum, System information requires at least 5 GB of disk space. If the server performs additional roles, such as also acting as a domain controller, more space is required.

    Journal Directory

    Select the default journal directory or browse to another directory to hold the backup journals. The Journal Folders contain the dynamic changes of the data that occur during continuous backups.

    Indexing Directory

    Select the default directory or browse to another directory to hold the indexing database. The indexing component holds indexes of the snapshots that are captured on the Protection Server.

    You should install these directories on separate volumes.

  19. On the Ready to Install the Program screen, review the selections, and then click Install.

  20. Following the Continuous Protection Server installation, you are pro
    mpted to restart the computer. Click Yes to complete the installation.

    If a Continuous Protection Agent was installed, you must restart the server after the initial installation. The restart ensures that the filter driver is correctly installed and ensures proper detection of all open files. If you use the Microsoft Shutdown Event Tracker, you must restart the server manually after installation.

More Information

Firewall support

Understanding the Continuous Protection Server service account

System requirements for Continuous Management Service and Protection Servers

Performing an initial installation