Accessing the Settings Utility

Table: Settings Utility describes the settings that are available in the Settings Utility.

Table: Settings Utility



Servers pane

The Servers selection pane shows all of the servers in the Backup Group. Select a server to view the existing parameters and values for that server.

Parameters pane

Location is the registry path for each parameter.

Value Name is the specific name of the registry value.

Current Value is the current value of the registry entry.

See About the Settings Utility tunable parameters.


Lets you update the values in the Parameter pane after making changes.


Lets you access the online help for the Settings Utility.

Restore Defaults

Lets you restore all parameters to their original default values.

To access the Settings Utility

  • Do one of the following:

    • Navigate to the CPS Services folder

      C:\Program Files\Symantec\Continuous Protection Server\Services, and then double-click settingsutility.exe.

    • In the Administration Console, click Tools > Settings Utility.

Accessing the Settings Utility