About the Settings Utility tunable parameters

Table: Settings Utility tunable parameters describes the tunable parameters that are available in the Settings Utility.

Table: Settings Utility tunable parameters

Parameter name



Specifies how often a grooming cycle will be run to remove outdated alerts from the system. The ‘DaysToKeepAlertItems’ key sets the number of days an alert will remain on a system before it is outdated.

The default value is 86400 seconds (every 24 hours).

Changes to this value will not require systems or services to be restarted.


To cause CPS to use region analysis regardless of file size, set this string value to 1 (default is 0).

Changing this value requires that the Continuous Protection Agent Service be restarted on the server.


Specifies the IPv6 Multicast address where all discovery traffic is sent.

The default value is ff02:0:0:0:0:0:0:1, which signifies all nodes on the local link.

Changes to this value will require the ENL and dependent services, such as the CMS, CPA, Broker Service, and Continuous Protection System State Manager Service, to be restarted.


Specifies the maximum number of router hops for IPv6 discovery broadcasts.

The default value is 1.

Changes to this value will require the ENL and dependent services, such as the CMS, CPA, Broker Service, and Continuous Protection System State Manager Service, to be restarted.


Enables ODBC connection pooling.

The default value is 0. A 1 value enables connection pooling.

Changing this value requires that the CPS Database Service be restarted on the server.


The number of days that alert items are kept on the server.

The default value is 30.

Changing this value will not require systems or services to be restarted.


Specifies the number of days that deleted snapshot entries are kept on the server.

The default value is 30 days.

Changes to this value will not require systems or services to be restarted.


If set to 1, this parameter prevents the CPS filter driver from delaying the completion of Directory Change Notifications. The only time it is necessary is when the Windows “Services for Macintosh” (SFM) is running on the server where CPS is installed. Under conditions of heavy usage, SFM may fail if this setting is not made. However, there are no known issues with SFM after the setting is made.

The default value is 1. Set a value of 0 only when the Microsoft Services for Macintosh is running on the system.

Although making this setting will allow SFM to run, it will also create a problem for the Windows “Simple Mail Transport Protocol” (SMTP) service. It will prevent SMTP from “picking up” (i.e., noticing the appearance of) new mail items in its “pickup” folder. There is no way to get both SMTP and SFM working on the same system where CPS is installed. The user must make a choice as to which Windows service that will run.

Changing this value requires that the server be restarted.


If this value is set to 1, certain internal errors in CPS components will write an entry in the Windows application event log. If it is set to 0, no event log entry will be written.

The default value is 1.

Changing this value will not require systems or services to be restarted.


For Symantec Technical Support use only.

The default value is 0.

Changing this value will not require systems or services to be restarted.


Enables trace logging.

The default value is 1 to enable diagnostic trace logging, or 0 to disable.

Changing this value will not require systems or services to be restarted.


If this value is set to 1, a timestamp is printed on each line of diagnostic trace logs recorded by CPS components.

The default value is 1.

Changing this value will not require systems or services to be restarted.


Continuous Protection Agent data port.

The default value is 20481.

Changes to this value must be made on all computers in the Backup Group. In addition, the Continuous Protection Agent Service must be restarted on all computers.


Specifies a list of status or alert IDs that will be filtered from the Alert Database. The list should contain the IDs in either hexadecimal or decimal form separated by either commas or semicolons. Only new alerts will be filtered from the Alert Database after an addition to this list. No existing alerts will be removed from the database.

The default value is an empty string.

Changing this value requires that the Continuous Protection Agent Service be restarted on the server.



Either the host name, Fully Qualified Domain Name, or IP address of the ENL master.

The default value is usually the CMS name.

Changes to this value will require the ENL and dependent services, such as the CMS, CPA, Broker Service, and Continuous Protection System State Manager Service, to be restarted.



Either the host name, Fully Qualified Domain Name, or IP address of the ENL master.

The default value is usually the CMS name.

Changes to this value will require the ENL and dependent services, such as the CMS, CPA, Broker Service, and Continuous Protection System State Manager Service, to be restarted.



Specifies whether or not this server will act as a router for ENL network traffic.

The default value is Yes for a CMS computer and No for all non-CMS computers (except in special situations where a non-CMS may be used to route ENL traffic to a CMS on another subnet).

Changes to this value will require the ENL and dependent services, such as the CMS, CPA, Broker Service, and Continuous Protection System State Manager Service, to be restarted.


Location of files that hold index information about the data that has been backed up by CPS. The location must have at least 120 MB of free space (1GB or more recommended).

The default value is set by the CPS installer.

Changing this value will require that the Continuous Protection Indexing Service be restarted on the server. In addition, indexing files will be moved from their previous location to the newly specified path.


Location of the dynamic changes of data during continuous backups. The location must have at least 120 MB of free space (10 GB or more recommended).

The default value is set by the CPS installer.

Changing this value requires that the Continuous Protection Agent Service be restarted on the server.


Controls whether the filter driver writes a table of open file entries into the first outbound dynamic journal file only once (when a job starts), or writes this table at the start of every new outbound journal file.

The default value is 0. Set to 1 if journal writing errors occur during continuous backup jobs owing to an Open File Table (OFT) overflow, as can happen on systems where a great many files are opened in rapid succession.

Changing this value requires that the system be restarted.


Location of the CPS trace log files. The location must have at least 100 MB of free space. The location can be specified during installation, such as the following.

C:\Program Files\Symantec\Continuous Protection Server\Logs

Changing this value requires that the Continuous Protection Agent Service be restarted on the server.


(located in EFC)

Specifies the directory where the ENL logs (efc.log) will be written to.

The default value is set at install time.

Changes to this value will require the ENL and dependent services, such as the CMS, CPA, Broker Service, and Continuous Protection System State Manager Service, to be restarted.


A complex hexadecimal mask used to specify the type of entries that will be written to the ‘EFC.log’ file.

The default value is 0×00300100. A value of 0xFFFFFFFF signifies that All ENL logging information will be written to the log file. This optional setting can be useful in debugging situations, but will quickly create very large amounts of log data.

Changes to this value will require the ENL and dependent services, such as the CMS, CPA, Broker Service, and Continuous Protection System State Manager Service, to be restarted.


(located in ENL\System)

Specifies whether the ENL Service will start up in Master mode.

The default value is Yes for a CMS computer and No otherwise.

Changes to this value will require the ENL and dependent services, such as the CMS, CPA, Broker Service, and Continuous Protection System State Manager Service, to be restarted.


The maximum number of files to show for a single directory in the Backup Exec Retrieve ‘browse’ view.

The default value is 10000.

Changing this value will not require systems or services to be restarted.


The maximum size (in bytes) that the diagnostic trace log can grow before a new file is started.

The default value is 10485760 (10 MB).

Changing this value will not require systems or services to be restarted.



The maximum size of the ENL log in bytes.

Default is 1048576 bytes (1 MB).

Changing this value requires the ENL service and its dependent to be restarted.



Sets the maximum size for a UDP packet. Useful on networks that have a small MTU.

The default value is 5924.

Changes to this value will require the ENL and dependent services, such as the CMS, CPA, Broker Service, and Continuous Protection System State Manager Service, to be restarted.



Sets the maximum size for a UDP packet. Useful on networks that have a small MTU.

The default value is 5924.

Changes to this value will require the ENL and dependent services, such as the CMS, CPA, Broker Service, and Continuous Protection System State Manager Service, to be restarted.


To change the maximum percentage difference in file size for region analysis (in percent). Larger values mean region analysis will still take place, even if file sizes differ by a larger percentage.

The default value is 25.

Changing this value requires that the Continuous Protection Agent Service be restarted on the server.


To change the minimum file size for Region Analysis (in KB).

The default value is 1024.

Changing this value requires that the Continuous Protection Agent Service be restarted on the server.


This parameter specifies the time that a job will attempt to be restarted after it has failed.

The default value is 120000 ms (2 minutes).

Changing this value requires that the Continuous Protection Agent Service be restarted on the server.


Holding location for the System State and share information. The location should have at least 100MB of free space (1GB or more recommended).

The default value is set by the CPS installer.

Changing this value requires that the Continuous Protection Agent Service and Continuous Protection System State Manager Service must both be restarted on the server. In addition, named objects files will be moved from their previous location to the newly specified path.

Netgroup (ENL\System)

The name of the CPS Backup Group that this computer is associated.

The default value (Backup Group) is set at install time.

Changes to this value will require the ENL and dependent services, such as the CMS, CPA, Broker Service, and Continuous Protection System State Manager Service, to be restarted.


To disable region analysis for all files, set this value to 1. When region analysis is disabled, files are synchronized by copying the entire source file to the target system. If both this value and “AlwaysDoRegionAnalysis” are set to 1, the “AlwaysDoRegionAnalysis” value takes precedence.

The default value is 0.

Changing this value requires that the Continuous Protection Agent Service be restarted on the server.


This parameter specifies the number of diagnostic trace log files to keep. When the number of trace log files exceeds this number, older log files are deleted. Set this value larger than the default value to preserve more logs, and contain more job history.

The default value is 10.

Changing this value will not require systems or services to be restarted.


Size of the journal at which a switchover to the next journal may begin. This value must be less than the journal size by at least 1MB.

This value must be an exact multiple of 1 MB (1048576 bytes).

The default value is 7340032 (7 MB).

Changing this value requires that the Continuous Protection Agent Service be restarted on the server.


This parameter is the default size in bytes of an outbound journal file when it is first created. The nominal size of journal files should be made larger than the default size only when necessary to avoid job cancellations owing to Open File Table (OFT) overflows.

This value must be an exact multiple of 1 MB (1048576 bytes).

The default value is 8388608 (8 MB).

Changing this value requires that the Continuous Protection Agent Service be restarted on the server.


If the number of outstanding sync journal files exceeds the OutboundSyncJournalLimit, the CPA service slows down the creation of sync journals during initial synchronization between two systems.

The default value is 32.

Changing this value requires that the Continuous Protection Agent Service be restarted on the server.



Specifies the IP address that the node will use when registering with the name service. This value must be an IPv4 compatible IP address.

The default value is an empty string.

Changes to this value will require the ENL and dependent services, such as the CMS, CPA, Broker Service, and Continuous Protection System State Manager Service, to be restarted.



Specifies the IP address that the node will use when registering with the name service. This value must be an IPv6 compatible IP address.

The default value is an empty string.

Changes to this value will require the ENL and dependent services, such as the CMS, CPA, Broker Service, and Continuous Protection System State Manager Service, to be restarted.



Specifies the NIC that will be used to find the preferred IP address if it is not explicitly set through the PreferredAddress key. The preferred NIC is specified by the MAC address of the NIC.

The default value is an empty string.

Changes to this value will require the ENL and dependent services, such as the CMS, CPA, Broker Service, and Continuous Protection System State Manager Service, to be restarted.



Specifies the NIC that will be used to find the preferred IP address if it is not explicitly set through the PreferredAddress key. The preferred NIC is specified by the MAC address of the NIC.

The default value is an empty string.

Changes to this value will require the ENL and dependent services, such as the CMS, CPA, Broker Service, and Continuous Protection System State Manager Service, to be restarted.


If the amount of free disk spac
e on the volume containing CPS journals falls below this number of bytes, CPS jobs will be cancelled.

The default value is 67108864 (64 MB).

Changing this value requires that the Continuous Protection Agent Service be restarted on the server.


Continuous Management Service RPC port.

The default value is 20485.

Changing this value must be made on all computers in the Backup Group. In addition, the Continuous Protection Agent Service must be restarted on all computers, and the Continuous Management Service must be restarted on the CMS server.


Continuous Protection Agent RPC port.

The default value is 20483.

Changing this value must be made on all computers in the Backup Group. In addition, the Continuous Protection Agent Service must be restarted on all computers.


Specifies the frequency with which the System State Manager Service regenerates Named Object data.

The default value is 0 3 5 4 0 1439.

Changes to this value will not require systems or services to be restarted.


Set this value to 1 to prevent the CPS filter driver from queueing too many i/o requests for journaling.

The default value is 0. Set to 1 only on very slow, single-CPU systems if continuous backup jobs are failing owing to journal writing errors.

Changing this value will require that the system be restarted.


Groups all shares for a business server under a single entry for faster display and snapshot processing.

The default value is 0 for multiple components. Set to 1 for single component.

Changes to this value will not require systems or services to be restarted.


Specifies the UDP port used by ENL. Changing this value affects both the IPv4 and IPv6 functions of the ENL service.

The default value is 1804.

Changes to this value must be made on all computers in the Backup Group. In addition, the ENL Service must be restarted on all computers.


Set this value to 0 to force CPS to use the standard Win32 methods of finding files.

The default value is 1.

Changing this value requires that the Continuous Protection Agent Service be restarted on the server.



Changes the amount of data that will be sent to the ENL logs. Default value is No. A value of Yes will send much more detailed data to the ENL logs.

Changing this value requires the ENL service and its dependent to be restarted.


This parameter controls the level of detail shown in diagnostic trace log messages. A lower number means less detail.

The default value is 1.

Changing this value will not require systems or services to be restarted.


Modifying multiple parameters may have unpredictable and adverse consequences. Symantec recommends that these parameters be changed only by knowledgeable users or at the guidance of Symantec Technical Support.

About the Settings Utility tunable parameters