Creating CPS backup jobs

Jobs can be created from any Administration Console within the Backup Group. Usually, new jobs are created to back up data from a Business Server to a Protection Server using the Backup Job Wizard. The information that is required and general steps for creating a backup job manually or using the wizard are essentially the same.

When you create a backup job, you can specify the following information:

  • Name and description of the backup job

  • Backup destination

  • Location of the data to be backed up

  • Schedule for the backup to occur

Before you can create a backup job, be sure that you have already defined a backup destination.

All regular shares are backed up automatically by the backup job. The share backup job backs up the information about the share, but not the underlying data for the share. If you want to back up the data that the share points to, you must select the folder containing that data when you configure the backup job. When you select the folder containing the data, the share and the data are both backed up. You can restore the data, the share information, or both.

The data in the tree view is selected for inclusion or exclusion, and the status is reflected with icons.

Table: Status icons describes the status icons that are used in the tree view.

Table: Status icons

Status icon


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Everything under this directory is selected for backup. Anything new added to this directory (or its subdirectories) is automatically selected for backup.

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This directory is excluded from the backup. If this directory was previously backed up, it is removed from the backup destination.

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Some or all of the subdirectories of this node can be selected for backup. Anything new added to this directory may or may not automatically be backed up. For example, a folder may contain an exclude rule for *.exe. If the file word.exe is added to the folder, it is not backed up, but the file work.doc is backed up.

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This node has not been selected for backup, and neither have any of its subdirectories. Some subdirectories may have been excluded (see the red ‘x’), which causes them to be removed.

Backup rights are required to all referenced servers of a CPS backup job, including the server hosting the Continuous Management Service.

To create a CPS backup job

  1. On the navigation bar, click Setup.

  2. In the task pane, under Backup Job Tasks, click New backup job using wizard.

  3. Review the text on the Welcome to Backup Job Wizard screen, and then click Next.

  4. On the Name the Backup Job screen, type a name and optional description for the backup job.

  5. On the Select a Backup Destination screen, select one of the defined backup destinations. This selection is the Protection Server where the data is backed up.

  6. On the Select Data to Back Up screen, select the information that you want to back up.

  7. On the Select When to Backup screen, designate when the backup should occur.

    Whenever a file changes

    Initiates a continuous backup of the folder or file. That is, a file or folder is backed up whenever changes are made to it. This job starts as soon as the user clicks OK.

    According to a schedule

    Lets you set a regularly scheduled or periodic backup of the folder or file. If this option is selected, you need to define the backup schedule. This job starts if it is in the backup window and the user clicks OK.

    Backup job schedules are always shown in the local time of the user who is creating the backup job. If backup jobs are created for servers that are located in other time zones, you must convert that server’s time to your local time.

    Initiate the backup job manually

    Lets you back up the contents of the folder or file on demand. This job will not start automatically.

  8. Verify that the backup job was created by observing that the Job shows on the list of jobs from the Job Monitor.

More Information

Managing backup destinations

Adding a backup destination

Creating CPS backup jobs